Galavanting Poodles

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CH Galavanting The Road Less Traveled; Sojourner is now an AKC poodle champion

I am so excited to announce that my standard poodle, Sojourner, has completed his AKC championship!

The Road To The AKC Championship

Sojourner is my first Bred-By-Exhibitor AKC champion. I did not expect him to finish his championship as quickly as he did. In fact, I thought it would take us at least a year to earn his championship. But Sojourner walked into that ring with other ideas in his head!

Instead of 12 months, Sojo did it in two weekends with two 5-point majors, a 4-point major, and the final point on the last day. He also took a group 1 and group 2 from the Bred-By-Exhibitor class as well as a Bred-By-Exhibitor group 1.

I am so proud of him and everything he has accomplished. He is a lovely standard poodle and I am excited to watch him grow and continue to shine in the show ring.

Stay tuned to see what adventures in the show ring lie ahead for Sojourner.

CH Galavanting The Road Less Traveled