Grace's magical show season- A summary of GCH CH Lakeridge Galavanting Never Out of Style's first season as a show poodle!
White standard poodle, Lakeridge Galavanting Never Out of Style, running at an AKC dog show
Grace had a magnificent first year out as an AKC show poodle.
I have to be honest: I did not expect 2021 to be quite as successful a show season as it ended up being for my “baby” Grace. The fact of the matter is, American Kennel Club dog show season in Alaska is painfully short. It is incredibly difficult for a poodle in Alaska to finish her AKC Championship in a single show season. With only 16 All-Breed dog shows and 1 Non-Sporting Dog Club show between May and the end of July, my goal for the Alaska show season is usually to collect the major wins necessary for a Championship title and then take our time traveling around for single points in and outside of Alaska.
In order to earn her AKC Championship title in Alaska, my sweet poodle Grace would have to win the classes and/or take Best of Variety several times. In a ring with 16 other standard poodles, winning classes or BOV is, truly, anyone’s game.
White poodle, Grace, shows off her AKC Championship and Grand Championship title certificates
But Grace, my oh my, this little superstar had her own big plans!
In her first show of May 2021, Grace walked right into that show ring and showed herself off! She took Best of Variety for a huge, 5-point major win. And then she went on to snag a Group 4 in the Non-Sporting group ring! From that moment, I knew we were off to the races!
In June, at poodle Grace’s next showing, she won Winners Bitch (best girl poodle out of the classes) for another 5-point major. After her WB win, she shut out the male competition and tooked Best of Winners (best poodle out of all the girl and boy poodles in the classes). At her second show in June, Grace finished her Championship with another big major win.
I was, happily, shocked and grateful for the quick journey to her championship. On June 28, Grace became registered as:
CH Lakeridge Galavanting Never Out of Style
July brought Alaska’s final 9 dog shows of the summer. My only thought for July was to have fun and enjoy Grace’s new title. Grace and I used the shows in July to learn how to work together in the show ring. I spent extra time making sure her hair was groomed to perfection. Grace and I also worked on our leash techniques. I didn’t expect Grace to finish her Championship so soon, and I knew she was going to be very green going into the CH ring. But this didn’t deter us! Instead, it pushed us to work together, show up, and make the best of Grace’s limited ring experience.
I am happy to report that our tenacity in the AKC dog show poodle ring paid off in spades!
Grace, a white standard poodle, finishes her AKC Championship title and poses with her owner-handler, Melissa Everett Laggis, at an AKC dog show in Alaska
As a finished Champion, Grace took Best of Variety nearly every time she entered the ring. What was even more exciting, is that Grace was the only standard poodle in Alaska to earn group placements when she entered the group ring! Once again, I was completely blown away by sweet “baby” Grace’s ability to show up, do the work, and get results.
I wasn’t counting points for Grace’s Grand Championship. I didn’t even know she earned it until a friend of mine told me! Grace ended up earning her AKC Grand Championship title in only five shows. What’s even more exciting is that 5 shows is the least amount of shows with the maximum number of points (5 points per show) a CH dog can earn her AKC Grand Championship.
On July 22, less than a month after earning her Championship title, Grace’s registration was updated to include her latest title:
GCH CH Lakeridge Galavanting Never Out of Style
Summer of 2021 was a whirlwind show season! I am a little sad that it’s over. But I can honestly say, 2021 was the most fun I’ve had at Alaska dog shows since I began showing.
I felt much more confident in my own abilities.
I had found a trusted and cherished circle of dog show friends.
I positioned my goals to be driven by self improvement for myself and my poodle(s) while having nothing to do with outside influences.
Now that summer 2021 has come to a close, I am focusing on Grace’s future as she matures. Grace will spend the winter growing her hair and honing her skills at the end of my show lead. She has finished her first dog show season ranked as Alaska’s #1 standard poodle, the nation’s #21 standard poodle (All Breed) and #24 standard poodle (Breed)! Grace is already nearly halfway to her Bronze Grand Championship title.
I think this is as good a time as any for my baby poodle girl to take a break and prepare for her future adventures in the AKC dog show ring!
Grace is:
GCH CH Lakeridge Galavanting Never Out of Style
Owned by: Melissa Everett Laggis
Bred & Co-owned by: Debra Ferguson Jones & Cathy Petrie
Handled and Presented by: Melissa Everett Laggis, Owner handled and groomed