Saying Goodbye to Your Dog Best Friend...
Saying goodbye
Jupiter the Catahoula Leopard Dog stole Ben’s heart
Ben left for university and Jupiter is a little heartbroken. Our little junkyard dog has been by his side since the moment I brought her home to foster as a five-week-old homeless pup. They’ve been inseparable. It’s the sort of relationship that filled Jupiter with great joy.
A Catahoula and her boy
But now her best human has left her side. He’s off to new adventures. A new life that, for now, can not accommodate a dog.
So she waits. Waiting for the fleeting moments he’s able to give to her. Waiting for long weekends when Ben can sneak home. Partial summer breaks when he can swing in and play at the lake with her again.
Perhaps one day she’ll be able to live full time with Ben again. Maybe there is a summer in her future that she can spend with Ben, traveling and camping where ever the wind takes them. Though not for a while.
Today was hard on both human boy and his best girl. This is life. This is growth.
Jupiter will miss her boy. I will too ❤️
Jupiter & Benjamin