
The Quest for the Best Bootie; A journey of discovery in the world of poodles.

The Quest for the Best Bootie; A journey of discovery in the world of poodles.

When it comes to the search for the perfect dog bootie for my Alaska poodles, one could say I’m a bit of a connoisseur. The keyword here being; search.

But! At long last! I think I’ve found the best bootie for my wonderful, active, happy-to-run-through-the-muck poodles!

The Dog Days of Summer: 5 Highlights from our Poodle Summer

The Dog Days of Summer: 5 Highlights from our Poodle Summer

First, the heat! Alaska has experienced record breaking heat all summer long. And if the records were only barely broken. If the heat index had registered only a smidgen above what is normal for Alaska summers… maybe I wouldn’t be so worried. But the records that were broken were not gently tapped with the butt of a butter knife until cracks could be seen. Nope. Instead, these records were smashed. Demolished with a massive hammer that left nothing intact. What old heat index records? There are no old records here!