Kluane, Sojourner, Puppy Fun Melissa Everett Laggis Kluane, Sojourner, Puppy Fun Melissa Everett Laggis

Kluane had a baby! Sojourner's birth story

It was on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 that I learned Kluane was having a singleton puppy. All of us who were involved in breeding Kluane had hoped for a full litter of puppies from Klu. But, breeding in a COVID-19 year was never going to be easy. And the fact Klu was even pregnant, given the pandemic-initiated obstacles we had to overcome to breed her, was happy news.
I was going to be grateful for whatever I got!

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Dog Product Reviews, Hiking with Dogs, Poodle Health Melissa Everett Laggis Dog Product Reviews, Hiking with Dogs, Poodle Health Melissa Everett Laggis

The Quest for the Best Bootie; A journey of discovery in the world of poodles.

When it comes to the search for the perfect dog bootie for my Alaska poodles, one could say I’m a bit of a connoisseur. The keyword here being; search.

But! At long last! I think I’ve found the best bootie for my wonderful, active, happy-to-run-through-the-muck poodles!

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Gratitude, Pali, Hiking with Dogs Melissa Everett Laggis Gratitude, Pali, Hiking with Dogs Melissa Everett Laggis

It's Autumn in Alaska... An Alaska Poodle's Favorite Season

Fall time in Alaska has a tendency to sneak up on me. It seems to arrive each year on a day in August.. Some years it’s early, other years it’s a bit late. But one thing I know as an Alaskan; if I’m paying attention to the subtle signs, I’ll never miss the “unofficial,” but true, first day of Fall in Alaska.

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Hiking with Dogs, Bryce Melissa Everett Laggis Hiking with Dogs, Bryce Melissa Everett Laggis

A time for an isolation hike... but with dogs

It’s spring in Alaska. And you wouldn’t know it to look at the snow still on the ground. This winter gave us more snow than I’ve seen in well over a decade… and I have loved its visit. But the sun is returning and our days are getting longer. The snow is starting to melt, too slowly. I know though, like a guest who sometimes overstays her welcome, so too, the snow will eventually leave.It was to these mounds and mounds of snow that my thoughts went when I woke up in the early hours of the day. Bryce and Jupiter were at the end of their patience with the COVID-19 home isolation imposed upon their daily routines. I smiled to myself as I declared this day a day of play.

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Gratitude, Grace Melissa Everett Laggis Gratitude, Grace Melissa Everett Laggis

COVID-19: Stay Home. Do Some Knitting. Remember How To Be Still.

COVID-19 has hit our collective reality pretty hard.
Some people were expecting this new form of normal. Some people were caught quite unprepared. Despite our varying levels of preparedness, something wonderful has been happening these last couple of weeks;
We have been pulling for each other.
There has been so many stories shared among us about love, patience, understanding for our fellow man. In the face of such a scary time for many, our humanity is shining a beacon of hope.
I love this about our species.

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Poodle Health Melissa Everett Laggis Poodle Health Melissa Everett Laggis

The Whole Poodle: 4 principles for practicing holistic care for my dogs

Holistic is a word that has found new life in the last decade… The adjective, holistic, simply describes a philosophy of paying attention to the whole of something, in order to comprehend issues that affect a part of something. I’ve listed 4 holistic principles I consider non-negotiable when it comes to the health and well-being of my own dogs.

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Play Melissa Everett Laggis Play Melissa Everett Laggis

Cold Days and Cracked Paws; the conundrum for dogs during winter

Winter is a joyful season for my poodles. The snow adds a new dynamic to their world of outdoor play. Every time it snows, my dogs wake up to a blanket covering familiar scents and sights. To them, each new snowfall is a new land to explore. And they take full advantage.

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Poodle Health, Wallace Melissa Everett Laggis Poodle Health, Wallace Melissa Everett Laggis

Wallace’s Story: A Journey Through an Osteosarcoma Diagnosis

I am always open to sharing my experiences with my dogs, both the good and the bad. And it is in that same spirit that I will share how I learned that my dog had bone cancer.
A few weeks ago, Wallace came in from playing with what looked to be a mild sprain. Instead, we soon discovered that my precious poodle dog had osteosarcoma…

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Play, Grace Melissa Everett Laggis Play, Grace Melissa Everett Laggis

The Value of Puppy Socialization

Puppy socialization is getting your puppy out and about to be social with other creatures. Domestic dogs interact with all sorts of living things; other dogs, humans, cats, pet fish, urban wildlife (rabbits, raccoons, skunks, squirrels) not to mention the wildlife who stick around when our human habitats intersect with their own (moose, deer, wild cats, bears and birds of prey). In short, our puppies don’t really have much of a choice; they must be acclimated to these other forms of life. And the best way to accomplish this is through simple socialization.

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Poodle Health Melissa Everett Laggis Poodle Health Melissa Everett Laggis

Bedtime Routines for Poodle Puppies (or any puppy, really…)

Did you know that puppies should have their own bedtime routines?
It’s true! To benefit a puppy’s mental and physical health, a regularly scheduled bedtime and bedtime routine should be on a list of Things-I-Must-Do-With-My-New-Puppy.
One of my non-negotiable points, every time the talk of a new puppy came up in our household, was that the puppy would always keep to a regularly scheduled bedtime routine.

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Groom Tips Melissa Everett Laggis Groom Tips Melissa Everett Laggis

Grooming Tip: Nail Trimming

When we talk about dog feet, it’s inevitable that we’re going to talk about dog nails. And dog nails means… nail trimming

Queue the moans and the sighs. Everyone has one or two (or many more!) nightmares about trying to trim doggy toenails. But I have good news; learning to trim nails with ease is not only possible, there is an entire army of dog owners who do it every day! 

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Groom Tips Melissa Everett Laggis Groom Tips Melissa Everett Laggis

Grooming Tip: Brushing the Dog!

A regular brushing routine is a great way for you to bond with your furry best friend while keeping her skin and coat healthy and clean! Treat your dog to a spa night as the two of you cozy up on the sofa, binge some great Netflix shows and gently (gently no pulling or aggressiveness allowed) brush through your dog’s coat. 

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Groom Tips Melissa Everett Laggis Groom Tips Melissa Everett Laggis

Grooming Tips From a Poodle Owner: How I got from there to here.

It’s hard for me to remember a time when I didn’t do my own midnight grooming sessions. Heck, it’s hard for me to imagine a time when I relied on a grooming shop to do any work on my dogs.
Truthfully though, it wasn’t all that long ago that I didn’t know the difference between a 4 blade and a 40 blade. Ear powder meant nothing to me and the very thought that there were dryers made specifically for dogs was a completely foreign concept to my mind. 

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Play, Gratitude, Dog Shows, Bryce, Kluane, Pali Melissa Everett Laggis Play, Gratitude, Dog Shows, Bryce, Kluane, Pali Melissa Everett Laggis

The Dog Days of Summer: 5 Highlights from our Poodle Summer

First, the heat! Alaska has experienced record breaking heat all summer long. And if the records were only barely broken. If the heat index had registered only a smidgen above what is normal for Alaska summers… maybe I wouldn’t be so worried. But the records that were broken were not gently tapped with the butt of a butter knife until cracks could be seen. Nope. Instead, these records were smashed. Demolished with a massive hammer that left nothing intact. What old heat index records? There are no old records here!

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